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Art of Flow

Hi Sister, 


The Art of Flow checklist will be a handy tool to make sure you feel in alignment with the Art of Flow mentorship. 


This can feel like a full body YES as you embark on your journey! And this is where it starts, by aligning with your intuition and listening to your body's language.


You're Ready to Unlock your Gifts

You know you have gifts ready to be unlocked; and feel blocked or stuck. Yoga, union with Divine energy, is taught so you can Self-study, with guided instructions from Breta on how to move work on these layers built around the heart, blocking you from your True Abundance!


You Seek Alignment

You are ready to flow with all of life. To feel the alignment of your heart and soul's desires through cyclical living.


You're Ready to Take Charge

You are ready to take charge of your Sacred Moon Cycle and aren't sure where to start. You seek to know your own rhythm more deeply, past the illusions of black and white.You have the feeling this will unlock more creativity, connection and freedom! 


You're Craving Movement

You are seeking to know your energy flow throughout your Moon Cycle and how to incorporate the right energy level of movement during the month. Yoga for the Moon Cycles is shared with you during our time together.


You're Ready to Create 

You are ready to birth your next creation whether with a brand new business or an established one. 


You're Interested in the Chakra System

You want to deep dive into the Chakra System through a subtle energy lens. How can you access your own energy to see what may be out of alignment? This also helps open intuitive abilities!


You're Craving Ritual

You see womyn creating sacred ritual and ceremony and are not sure where to start.


You Want to Prioritize Self Care

You are tired of having NO time for yourself and want to create Self-care to be a top priority in your life. Through simple Ayurveda practices you can tap into this unending love and compassion for yourself! YOU ARE THE MOST SACRED BEING!


You Want Connection with your Intuition

Following your gut feeling has always come natural to you, AND now you want to see how you can tune into the subtle voice of the intutition to guide you on your path.

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